Command Summary
Table C-2 Command Summary (continued)
NIDAT < ch > . < Ilo > . < Ihi > Sends data to calibrate - current readback for the selected output < ch > . This command
must be sent after IRLN and IRHN commands.
OCP < ch >, < x > Enables the over current protection circuit protection circuit for the specified output
< ch >. This circuit, when enabled, causes the output to go to the off state when the
output is on the + CC mode. On/off is a 1 to turn on (enable) or a 0 to turn off (disable)
the circuit. (see page 75).
OCP? < ch > Queries the over current protection circuit on/off status for the specified output < ch >
(see page 75). Response is either a 1 (on) or a 0 (off). The OCP ENBLD annunciator on
the front panel displays the on/off status of the OCP circuit for the selected output.
OCRST < ch > Returns the specified output < ch > to the previous settings after it had been turned off
by the over current protection circuit (see page 75).
OUT < ch >, < on/off > Turns the specified output < ch > on or off. On/off equals 1 to turn the output on and
equals 0 to turn the output off (see page 77).
OUT? < ch > Queries whether the specified output < ch > is turned on or off (see page 77). The
response is either 1 (on) or 0 (off). The front panel will display the message
’’DISABLED’’ when the selected output channel is turned off.
OVCAL < ch > Causes the specified output < ch > to go through the overvoltage calibration routine (see
Appendix A).
OVRST < ch > Attempts to reset the overvoltage crowbar circuit in the specified output < ch > (see page
OVSET <ch>,<x> Sets the overvoltage trip point < x > for the specified output < ch > ( see page 77).
OVSET? < ch > Queries the present overvoltage setting of the specified output < ch > (see page 77). The
response is a real number.
PON < on/off > Enables the power on service request (SRQ). On/off = 1 causes the power supply to
generate a service request when power is applied (see page 80). On/off = 0 disables the
PON SRQ. The on/off settings is retained in the supply’s memory through interruption of
ac line power.
PON? Queries the present state of the power on SRQ function (see page 80). The response is
either 1 (on) or 0 (off).
RCL < x > Recalls the voltage and current settings for all output channels from the specified
internal register < x >. These settings were previously stored using the STO command.
RCL programs all output channels in sequential order (1, 2, 3, 4) to these stored settings
(see page 80).
RDAC < ch >, < counts > Sets the readback DAC of an output < ch > to a specified number of counts.
RDAC? < ch > Queries the setting of the readback DAC of an output < ch > . The number returned is in
DAC counts.