Command Summary
Table C-2 Command Summary (continued)
VMUX? < ch > , < x > Queries the measurement of the input < x > to the analog multiplexer on the specified
output < ch > (see Appendix A).
VOUT? < ch > Queries the measured output voltage of the specified output < ch > (see page 70). The
response is a real number. The front panel display can be used to monitor the measured
output voltage (and current) of the selected output channel.
VRDAT < ch >, < Vlo >,
< Vhi >
Used to calibrate the voltage readback for the specified output < ch > . This command
must be sent after VRHI and VRLO commands.
VRLO < ch > Finds the minimum voltage readback value for the specified output < ch > .
VRHI < ch > Finds the maximum voltage readback value for the specified output < ch >.
VRSET < ch > ,x Sets the full scale voltage range for prograrnming an output < ch > . The power supply
will select the lowest operating range that will contain the value (x). If the present
operating voltage of the supply is greater than the full scale range selected, the present
output voltage will be reduced to the full scale value of the new range. If the voltage
entered is larger than the highest possible range, an error message will result.
VRSET < ch > Queries the full scale voltage range setting of an output < ch >.
VSET < ch >, < x > Sets the voltage of the specified output < ch > (see pages 71-72).
VSET? < ch > Queries the present voltage setting of the specified output < ch > (see page 72). The
response is a real number.
VSTEP< ch > , < x > Increases or decreases an output’s < ch > voltage in steps. If the step value < x > is
positive, the output voltage will increase by step value; if the step value is negative, the
output voltage will decrease by the step value. Trying to step beyond the active
operating range will cause a number range error.