Language Dictionary 27
Do not follow *OPC? with *TRG or GPIB bus triggers. Such triggers sent after *OPC? will be
prevented from executing and will prevent the power module from accepting further commands. If
this occurs, the only programmable way to restore operation is by sending the power module a GPIB
DCL (Device Clear) command.
Query Syntax *OPC?
Returned Parameters <NR1> ASCII 1 is placed in the Output Queue when the
power module has completed operations.
Related Commands *OPC *TRIG *WAI
Identification Query
Meaning and Type
Identification System Interface
This query requests the power module to identify any options that are installed. Options are identified by number, as shown
below. A 0 indicates no options are installed.
Query Syntax *OPT?
Returned Parameters <AARD>
Related Commands (None)
Meaning and Type
Power-on Status Clear Device Initialization
This command controls the automatic clearing at power on the following registers (see "Chapter 4 - Status Reporting" for
register details):
Service Request Enable.
Standard Event Status Enable.
If the command parameter = 1 (or any non-zero value), then the above registers are cleared at power on. If the command
parameter = 0, then the above registers are not cleared but are programmed to their last state prior to power turn on. This is
the most common application for *PSC and enables the power module to generate an SRQ (Service Request interrupt) at
power on.
Command Syntax *PSC <bool>
Parameters 0 | 1 | OFF | ON
Example *PSC 0 *PSC 1
Query Syntax *PSC?
Returned Parameters <NR1> 0 | 1
Related Commands *ESE *SRE
*PSC causes a write cycle to nonvolatile memory. If *PSC is programmed to 0, then the *ESE and
*SRE commands also cause a write cycle to nonvolatile memory. The nonvolatile memory has a finite
number of write cycles (see Table 1-2 in the power module User’s Guide). Programs that
repeatedly write to nonvolatile memory can eventually exceed the maximum number of write cycles
and may cause the memory to fail.