EMG Business Management System Manual
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(c) Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002, AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES
4.2 Strategic Planning (4.1.c, 4.2.1a, 5.4.1, and 7.1)
The strategic plan is developed at the EMG level encompassing all business processes and stating
the direction, leadership, and transformation required to meet specific goals. EMG will improve
customer satisfaction and earn unrivaled loyalty through personalized customer relationships.
Capitalize on our product leadership. Create customer value and intimacy through innovative
systems, high-valued services and support solutions and accelerate EMG business process
EMG has yearly strategy reviews at the Group level to ensure plans are consistent with changing
market conditions. EMG focuses on customers, competitors and our offerings. After the strategy
review, our annual financial plan is developed (SCALE: short term commitment and long term
estimate) using the SPR (strategic plan review) as the baseline for profitability and ROIC (return on
invested capital). Tactical reviews are held quarterly to review financial results, NPI revenues,
market share, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction.
4.2.1 Acquisitions:
a) Corporate Development (CD): Supports the ongoing assessment of Agilent‟s enterprise business
portfolio to identify candidates for active abandonment or investment. CD insures strong links
between the enterprise and Group strategies, focusing Agilent‟s overall prospects for top line
growth and value creation. This site is designed to support the needs of those involved in
transactions, integration, strategic planning, and new ventures within the businesses and corporate
functions. http://corpdev.agilent.com/
b) EMG has developed an Acquisition Lifecycle (ALC) process that provides the EMG business with
additional acquisition support not specifically covered by corporate development personnel and
processes. ALC Web site, ALC Standard
4.2.2 Discontinuance/Obsolescence strategy is determined in each business. The EMG
Discontinuance Plan is the key document that is used to plan and execute the discontinuance and
final obsolescence of products at the end of their lifecycle. The Discontinuance Plan is split into
several sections, and a cross-functional team is required to address these sections effectively.
The Corporate Discontinuance Process can be found at:
4.2.3 Technology Development: (7.1)
a) The Technology Leadership Organization (TLO) as the central technology organization, leads
the creation of EMG Strategy, makes R&D portfolio decisions, delivers breakthrough technology
with clear competitive advantage, executes EMG R&D programs, guides EMG level
architecture, and manages and improves EMG R&D Processes.
b) EMG also links to Agilent Labs to identify and transfer breakthrough technologies into our
businesses. http://web.labs.agilent.com/
4.2.4 General Outsourcing Requirements