EMG Business Management System Manual
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The current version is available at the EMG Document Map website: http://emg.communications.agilent.com/quality/bms/040318_docMap.asp
(c) Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002, AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES
Corrected formatting of section numbering, the number “10” appeared
erroneously throughout the document.
Moved the ERP/Oracle information under 4.6.3 Information Technology,
cleaned up typo‟s throughout, added clarity to 4.2.1, 4.2.2. Added
Engineering Services to the scope on page 4.
Updated Materials 8.2.1, 8.2.4, updated the scope page 4.
Updated FSU 9.4, updated TQRDCE URL path 8.2.4 and updated the
scope on page 4.
Updated section 3.0 relationship map
Updated customer property 4.1.4 and escalations 9.7.
Update ULR for escalation 9.7
Updated 9.2: MAS changed their name to AEO
Updated 9.4: FSU change their name to RSD (Remarketing Solutions
Added Agilent Risk Management information (4.1.5)
Updated section 8.2.4 Performance Evaluation.
Added EMG TAG structure and BMS Rep.
Updated the section 1.3 scope to align business reorganization (deleted
GSBU, added AIBU), added Six Sigma information, updated MR
requirements section 2.3.
Updated MR requirements section 4.3 fixed numbering of document,
updated scope in section 1.4.
Deleted DAT, changed PMT to NMD, updated Packaging and Blue Book
web sites.
Updated to reflect organizational change EPSG- EMG and updated
Updated URL‟s and updated TSO business name.
Updated section 4.5, page 15: TIS
Updated section 4.2.2 discontinuance
Updated 9.7.2 Ned line to ECAG
Updated 9.1.4 Business Planning for SSU
Added the corporate discontinuance process URL at 4.2.2.
Updated EPSG to EMG, deleted MIBU, Change AIBU to EIBU.
Added CIRF to 9.7, updated URL in footer, updated table of contents,
and updated 2.3i Quality Objectives.
Updated URL in the footer, updated typos and formatting throughout the
Updated URL 9.7.3, updated 9.1.4 URL.