for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 (ARM11/Cortex-A8) User Manual 29
© Copyright 1997-2007 by ABATRON AG Switzerland V 1.04
BREAKMODE mode This parameter defines how breakpoints are implemented.
SOFT This is the normal mode. Breakpoints are implemented
by replacing code with a BKPT instruction.
HARD In this mode, the breakpoint hardware is used. Only 6
breakpoints at a time are supported.
MEMACCES mode [wait] For Cortex-A8, this parameter defines how memory is accessed. Either
via the ARM core by executing ld and st instructions or via the AHB access
port. The current mode can also be changed via the Telnet interface. The
optional wait parameter allows to define a time the BDI waits before it ex-
pects that a value is ready or written. This allows to optimize download
performance. The wait time is (8 x wait) TCK’s in Run-Test/Idle state.
The following modes are supported:
CORE The CORE (default) mode requires that the core is halt-
ed and makes use of the memory management unit
(MMU) and cache.
AHB The AHB access mode can access memory even when
the core is running but bypasses the MMU and cache.
Example: MEMACCES CORE 5 ; 40 TCK's access delay
SIO port [baudrate] When this line is present, a TCP/IP channel is routed to the BDI’s RS232
connector. The port parameter defines the TCP port used for this BDI to
host communication. You may choose any port except 0 and the default
Telnet port (23). On the host, open a Telnet session using this port. Now
you should see the UART output in this Telnet session. You can use the
normal Telnet connection to the BDI in parallel, they work completely inde-
pendent. Also input to the UART is implemented.
port The TCP/IP port used for the host communication.
baudrate The BDI supports 2400 ... 115200 baud
Example: SIO 7 9600 ;TCP port for virtual IO
DCC port When this line is present, a TCP/IP channel is routed to the ARM debug
communication channel (DCC). The port parameter defines the TCP port
used for this BDI to host communication. You may choose any port except
0 and the default Telnet port (23). On the host, open a Telnet session using
this port. Now you should see the DCC output in this Telnet session. You
can use the normal Telnet connection to the BDI in parallel, they work
completely independent. Also input to DCC is implemented.
port The TCP/IP port used for the host communication.
Example: DCC 7 ;TCP port for DCC I/O