
for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 (ARM11/Cortex-A8) User Manual 41
© Copyright 1997-2007 by ABATRON AG Switzerland V 1.04
3.3.3 Breakpoint Handling
There are two breakpoint modes supported. One of them (SOFT) is implemented by replacing appli-
cation code with a BKPT instruction. The other (HARD) uses the built in breakpoint logic. If HARD is
selected, only up to 6 breakpoints can be active at the same time.
The following example selects SOFT as the breakpoint mode:
BREAKMODE SOFT ;SOFT or HARD, HARD uses hardware breakpoints
The BDI supports only a GDB version that uses a Z-Packet to set breakpoints (GDB Version 5.0 or
newer). GDB tells the BDI to set / clear breakpoints with this special protocol unit. The BDI will re-
spond to this request by replacing code in memory with the BKPT instruction or by setting the appro-
priate hardware breakpoint.
3.3.4 GDB monitor command
The BDI supports the GDB V5.x "monitor" command. Telnet commands are executed and the Telnet
output is returned to GDB.
(gdb) target remote bdi2000:2001
Remote debugging using bdi2000:2001
0x10b2 in start ()
(gdb) monitor md 0 1
00000000 : 0xe59ff018 - 442503144 ...