Water connections, Unvented
Release R.1.3 UK 25
3.6 Water connections,
3.6.1 Cold water side
See a in Figure 3.3.
1. Fit an approved stop valve i on the cold water side as required by
Refer also to paragraph ’1.3 Regulations’.
2. The maximum working pressure of the appliance is 8 bar. Because the
pressure in the water pipe at times can exceed 8 bar, you must fit an
approved pressure-reducing valve a.
3. Fit a non-return valve e and an expansion vessel b.
4. Fit a pressure relief valve m and connect the overflow side to an open
wastewater pipe.
3.6.2 Hot water side
See b in Figure 3.3.
n Remark
Insulating long hot water pipes prevents unnecessary energy loss.
1. Optional: fit a temperature gauge j to be able to check the temperature of
the tap water.
2. Fit the T&P valve c.
3. Fit a stop valve i in the hot water outlet pipe, for use when servicing.
3.6.3 Circulation pipe
See c in Figure 3.3.
If an immediate flow of hot water is required at draw-off points, a circulation
pump can be installed. This improves comfort and reduces water wastage.
1. Fit a circulation pump f of the correct capacity for the length and resistance
of the circulation system.
2. Fit a non-return valvee behind the circulation pump to guarantee the
direction of circulation.
3. Fit two stop valves d for service purposes.
4. Connect the circulation pipe to the cold water supply pipe.
3.6.4 Condensation drainage
1. Fit a sloping wastewater pipe to the siphon k for condensation drainage and
connect this to the wastewater discharge in the boiler room.
All piping behind the siphon must be condensation-resistant.