Checking the supply pressure and burner pressure
Release R.1.3 UK 33
3. If you do not need to make any more connections:
- Fit the cap on the electrical connection block.
- Fit the plastic covers onto the appliance.
3.10.8 Connecting extra error signal (“Alarm OUT”)
Alarm OUT is a potential free terminal that is switched when an error is
detected. This can be used to signal errors, for example by turning on a lamp.
A 230 V circuit can be directly powered. For other voltages, a specific relay
prescribed by A.O. Smith is required.
1. Connect the phase cables (X
and X
) to terminals 13 and 14 as indicated
in Table 3.10. If required, connect earth (A) to terminal 15.
2. Fit the cable in the pull relief.
3. If you do not need to make any more connections:
- Fit the cap on the electrical connection block.
- Fit the plastic covers onto the appliance.
3.11 Checking the supply
pressure and burner
Before you start up the appliance and/or begin to check the supply
pressure and burner pressure, you must first fill the appliance. Please
refer to paragraph ’4.2 Filling the appliance’ for filling instructions.
Before starting-up for the first time, and following conversion, you
must always check the supply pressure and burner pressure. If
necessary, adjust these to be certain of optimum performance of the
The easiest way to check the gas pressures is by using two pressure
gauges. This procedure assumes that these two gauges are available.
To check the supply pressure and burner pressure, proceed as follows:
1. Disconnect the appliance from the mains. See paragraph ’7.3.2 Disconnect
the appliance from the mains’.
2. Undo the screws of the plastic covers.
3. Carefully remove the black plastic covers from the appliance.
The electrical section is now visible.
4. There are 2 test nipples on the gas control (Figure 3.13) for measuring the
supply pressure @ and the burner pressure # respectively.
Sealing screws are located inside the test nipples. Loosen both sealing
screws by a few turns. Do not loosen them completely; this makes them
difficult to tighten again.
5. Connect a pressure gauge to the lower pressure test nipple #.
6. Open the gas supply and vent the gas supply line via the upper nipple @.
7. Connect a pressure gauge to the upper test nipple as soon as gas starts to
flow from this nipple.
8. Switch on the power to the appliance using the mains switch on the