
139NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Wireless mode or SSL mode consumes more processing power and causes image captures or
interactive viewing of camera images to have an even greater affect on performance. Verify that
the appliance is configured to generate alert states and send alert notifications as efficiently as
When viewing alerts in Advanced View, setting the refresh interval to None or to a high refresh
interval allows a heavily-alerting appliance to load its list of alerts more efficiently.
Do not leave Advanced View or the Web Client up and running with the Cameras view selected
when it is not being used. Streaming of interactive camera pictures from appliances consumes
appliance resources.
Upgrade your appliances only when the alert load on an appliance is low.
Select a shorter capture time or less total picture capture size to prevent multiple overlapping alert
picture captures and to store a greater number of alert captures before they are deleted to make
room for more recent alert captures.
If your appliance is managed by an StruxureWare Data Center Expert server and has surveillance
enabled through the console, configure the surveillance to record lower frame rates and/or
resolutions to reduce load on the appliance. Also consider disabling audio with surveillance
footage, as this increases the load on the appliance.