
61NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
This window features Primary and Backup tabs, each of which has the same fields available.
The settings on the Primary tab are used by default for any periodic
FTP reports. The settings
on the Backup tab are used if communication with the Primary server fails.
3. Type the appropriate values in the fields.
4. By default, all Periodic Reports are generated according to the Interval you specify. You can
specify that a Periodic Report is active only during specific time ranges. To configure Advanced
a. Click Advanced Scheduling....
b. By default, all time periods in the schedule are Enabled. To disable the Periodic Report for
a period of time, click-and-drag over the time range, and click Disable. To enable the
Periodic Report for a period of time, click-and-drag over the time range, and click Enable.
c. Click OK to save the schedule and return to the Edit Periodic FTP Report window.
5. Click OK.
Configuring periodic HTTP reports
To configure your appliance to periodically generate and post sensor reports to a specified HTTP server:
1. Select Periodic HTTP Report from the Periodic Reports Configuration window and click
2. The Edit Periodic HTTP Report window opens. This window contains the following fields:
Field Description
Enabled Enable periodic HTTP reporting.
Include camera
Include image captures by camera pods connected to the appliance
in the HTTP post. Image captures included with periodic reports
are 640x480 resolution, regardless of appliance Camera settings.
Interval The frequency with which HTTP reports are generated.
Sensor priority Limit the amount of sensor data included with the periodic report.
Select one of the following settings:
High: Only sensor data associated with physical sensors that are
integrated with or connected to the appliance are included in the
report. Sensor data associated with shared pods is not included in
the report.
Medium: Sensor data associated with physical sensors and shared
pods is included in the report. Data associated with scanned
devices is not included.
Low: Sensor data from all sensors is included in the report.
SSL Options The SSL options to use for this post.
Target URL The URL of the Web server to which the report is posted.
Target user name The user ID used to gain access to the specified Web server.
Target Password The password used to gain access to the specified Web server.
Verify Password Type the Target Password to confirm the password.