
116NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Example target URLs. When creating a Send Custom HTTP GET alert action, a data handling
application such as CGI script, ASP script, or servlet, for example, must be invoked on the Web host
invoked in the Target URL, and data must be passed to the application in the proper format. The content
of the Target URL field depends on the configuration of the target server which processes the HTTP
GET. The following examples demonstrate two possible ways in which this alert action could be
Example #1. In this example, the custom HTTP GET command provides user-specified values for a
CGI script (pagersend.cgi). This custom HTTP GET would send the message
hello there, with a
subject of
test message, from mike to the specified pin (telephone number):
Example #2. In this example, alert data is sent to a pager using the same CGI script (pagersend.cgi) as
used in Example #1, but this time BotzWare macros dynamically generate the message content:
A message generated by this Target URL could read “Humidity 94% at Sensor Pod 0930261” from