
60NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Graph priority Limit the amount of sensor data included with the periodic report.
Select one of the following settings:
High: Only sensor data associated with physical sensors that are
integrated with or connected to the appliance are included in the
report. Sensor data associated with shared pods is not included in
the report.
Medium: Sensor data associated with physical sensors and shared
pods is included in the report. Data associated with scanned
devices is not included.
Low: Sensor data from all sensors is included in the report.
Graph available
The maximum time period for which data is graphed.
FTP hostname The hostname or IP address of the FTP server to which the report is
User name The user ID to access the specified FTP server.
FTP password The password to access the specified FTP server.
Verify password Type the FTP Password to confirm the password.
Target directory The relative directory path used for storing the data on the FTP
server. This should always be a path relative to the default
directory associated with the user ID used to log on to the FTP
server. If the directories on the path do not exist they are created
The Target Directory field accepts BotzWare macros. For more
information on macros supported by BotzWare see “BotzWare
Macros” on page 133.
Base file name The base filename used for storing the data on the FTP server. The
alert data is stored in a file with this name, followed by the
.nbalert file extension. Pictures from alerts are stored in files
with this name, followed by the .n.jpg file extension, where n is
the picture number (1, 2, 3, etc.).
The Base Filename field accepts BotzWare macros. For more
information on macros supported by BotzWare see “BotzWare
Macros” on page 133.
Field Description