4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator’s Guide
General Background
General Background 5
The 4630 IP Telephone display is a quarter VGA (320 pixels wide by 240 pixels high, 256 colors
supported) display.
The data types and other features supported in the browser include:
■ HTML 4.01
■ Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Levels 1 and 2
■ Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
■ Images: GIF and JPEG
■ ECMAScript (JavaScript) 1.4
■ HTTP 1.0 and 1.1
■ Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 2.0 and 3.0
■ Cookies stored in non-volatile memory
■ Click-to-Dial Functionality
Browser Features and Behavior 5
This section presents the technologies that have been implemented in the 4630 IP Telephone Web
Access application, along with any limitations or non-standard implementations. Since style sheets
have become the preferred mechanism for controlling web page appearance and have made
obsolete most attribute specifications with tags, the majority of attributes for tags were not tried.
The attributes that were tested were those of real interest to specific tags. The browser is HTML
4.0 compliant, with a few minor differences as noted below.
Document Skeleton 5
Certain tags define the basic framework of an HTML document. While most browsers are normally
good at dealing with missing tags, when style sheets are applied it is essential that the tag
structures be followed. Even ignoring style sheets, it is considered good style to follow the HTML
rules. The following tags make up the basic skeleton of an HTML document:
■ <html> indicates the start of an HTML document.
■ <head> indicates the start of an HTML document’s header. Title, meta definitions, ECMAScript
function definition, document level style sheet definition, and external style sheet inclusion are
all done in the header section.
In the sub-sections that follow, comments specific to the 4630 IP Telephone and its
browser are shown in italics.