Administering the 4610SW and 4620 Thin Client Directories
Web Application User Interface
Web Application Successful Search Screen 5
The Successful Search screen displays when at least one match results from a user-submitted
search. The top display line provides the message X found. Select choice. (where X = the
number of matches found) or the message More results - please try again and
refine search. (to indicate more than 96 matches were found). The display area for this
screen provides the name and phone number of up to 96 matches found by the search. The user
scrolls through the matches using the web browser navigation key to move forward one page, and
selects an entry by pressing the Feature button to the left of the entry.
Figure D-3. Sample Successful Search Screen
The four softkeys across the bottom of the display function as follows:
■ Search - Displays the Search screen, to allow the user to enter new criteria and initiate
another search.
■ Add to SD - Allows the user to add a selected name and phone number to a Speed Dial
■ Detail - Displays more directory information on the person selected, such as a department,
secondary contact, manager, etc. (as administered). See Figure D-4
for a sample Detail
■ Call - Allows the user to initiate a call to a person listed.