NN44400-114 Contact Center Agent Desktop 2 December 2010 11
Avaya Aura™ Agent Desktop is a single-interface client application used to
interact with customers. You can respond to customer contacts through a variety
of media, including phone, outbound contacts, e-mail, Web communication,
instant messaging, fax, scanned documents and SMS text messages. Agent
Desktop provides automation for customer responses to eliminate repetitive
actions, such as typing a common response in an e-mail message.
Agent Desktop supports the following contact types:
• Voice contacts
• E-mail messages
• Outbound contacts
• Web communications contacts
• Instant Messages
• SMS text messages
• Fax messages
• Scanned documents
• Voice mail messages
Your administrator determines which type of contacts you can handle.
Agent Desktop uses Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Click Once Deployment
technology, which means that you can install and start the application by
entering a URL address in Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer.
• Ensure that you review the Contact Center installation procedures.
• Supported Operating Systems:
— Windows XP Professional SP2 or later
— Windows Vista SP2 or later
— Windows 7
• Ensure that the following are installed on the client machine:
— Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
— Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
— Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (v2)
— Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)