
34 NN44400-114 Contact Center Agent Desktop 2 December 2010
4 Speak with the agent, if necessary, before you conference in the customer.
5 Click Conference again to take the customer off hold and conference in the
customer and the other agent.
Conferencing in a supervisor
Conference in a supervisor if you want to speak to your customer and your
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 On the Agent Desktop Action bar menu, click Supervisor to place the
customer on hold and conference in your supervisor.
2 Speak to your supervisor, if necessary, before you conference in the customer.
3 Click Conference again to take the customer off hold and conference in the
customer and your supervisor.
Ending a call
End a call when a call is completed. If you were in Ready status before the call,
you automatically return to Ready when you terminate the call. If you require
time to perform call wrap-up tasks before you accept another call, change your
status to Not Ready and enter a Not Ready Reason Code in the Code field of
the Top bar. Not Ready Reason codes are defined by the administrator.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 On the work item, click Release.
Calling your supervisor
You can call your supervisor if you are not currently handling a call.