Chapter 6 Switch Monitoring Features
68 Avaya P460 Configuration Guide
function, you do not need to know the exact variable name you are looking for.
The SNMP manager takes the variable you name and then uses a sequential
search to find the desired variable.
• Retrieve a number of values – a get-bulk action
The SNMP manager performs the number of get-next actions that you specify.
• Change a setting on the agent – a set action
The SNMP manager requests the agent to change the value of the MIB variable.
For example, you can run a script or an application on a remote device with a
set action.
• An agent can send an unsolicited message to the manager at any time if a
significant, predetermined event takes place on the agent. This message is called
a trap.
When a trap condition occurs, the SNMP agent sends an SNMP trap message to
the device specified as the trap receiver or trap host. The SNMP Administrator
configures the trap host, usually the SNMP management station, to perform the
action needed when a trap is detected.
SNMP Communities
Each SNMP device or member is part of a community. An SNMP community
determines the access rights for SNMP devices.
You supply a name to the community. After that, all SNMP devices that are
assigned to that community as members have the same access rights. The access
rights are:
• read - Allows read-only access to the MIB tree for devices included in this
• read-write - Allows both read and write access to the MIB tree for devices
included in this community
• trap – Allows traps to be sent between devices included in this community
SNMP Configuration CLI Commands
In order to... Use the following command...
Set or modify the switch’s SNMP
community strings
set snmp community
Add an entry into the SNMP trap
receiver table and to enable or
disable the different SNMP traps
for a specific receiver
set snmp trap