DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 9
Getting Started with the Avaya R300 Remote Office Communicator
Issue 1
November 2000
Avaya R300 Specifications and Network Design
17Setting up the Avaya R300
Power and physical attributes - Avaya R300
Table 4 describes the dimensions and power attributes of the Avaya R300 unit.
Avaya R300 Interconnect module
Each Avaya R300 will be supplied with one Avaya R300 Interconnect module which
provides an effective way to interconnect stations and trunks to the Avaya R300. Each
Interconnect module supports 24 DCP stations, 2 analog stations and 2 analog CO trunk
interfaces. Not all connections will be used for each installation and the CO trunks are not
supported in some countries.
The Interconnect module also supplies power to the Avaya R300’s Combo Blade to power
the DCP stations. Specifically, the Interconnect module provides 30W of -48VDC which
is used to provide the native “phantom” power for each DCP station (pins 4&5). If the a
Interconnect module is not used, the installation must provide “phantom” power for each
DCP station some other way (for example, 110-interconnect punch down using an Avaya
1145 or equivalent -48VDC power source).
The Avaya R300 Interconnect module provides auxiliary power to pins 7 and 8 for the 24
DCP connections so that a customer can use most auxiliary equipment without need or
concern for local power. This allows customers to use auxiliary equipment such as adjunct
speakerphones, headsets, and additional displays with auxiliary power already available.
Specifically, each DCP connection has a current limited auxiliary power of 6 Watts
(-48VDC). The yellow LED associated with the DCP modular jack will light, indicating a
warning condition, if more than 6 Watts of auxiliary power is drawn (indicating a short).
Table 4. Avaya R300 attributes
Attribute Value
Input Power Voltage 100 VAC-240 VAC Universal Input
Input Power Frequency 50/60 Hz
Input Power 230 W maximum
Fuse 5A/250 V (not user-accessible)
Current 3 A maximum
Weight 17 lbs (7.7 kg)
Height 1.72" (4.37 cm)
Width 17.62" (44.76 cm) (19" rack mount)
Depth 16" (40.64 cm)