On-site Preparation for the Upgrade
Issue 9.1 June 2006 305
On-site Preparation for the Upgrade
Perform the following tasks before starting the software upgrade on the S8300:
● Setting up a TFTP server or HTTP server for LSP software download, if desired on
page 305
● Accessing the S8300 on page 306
● Completing pre-upgrade tasks — If the target S8300 is the primary controller on page 307
● Getting IA770 (AUDIX) Data and Stopping IA770 (if IA770 is being used) on page 311
● Backing up S8300 recovery system files on page 315
● Copying license, authentication, and post-upgrade service pack files to the S8300 hard
drive, including licenses for LSPs on page 319
● Copying authentication files to the LSPs on page 321
● Copying the Communication Manager software and media gateway firmware to a TFTP or
HTTP server on page 321
● Copying the Communication Manager software and media gateway firmware to the
server on page 321
● Preparing LSPs on page 322
Setting up a TFTP server or HTTP server for LSP software
download, if desired
The Communication Manager software CD-ROM can be used to load software on each LSP
prior to running the upgrade, but this method requires the physical insertion of the CD-ROM into
a CD-ROM drive attached to each LSP’s S8300 server. Alternatively, the customer can set up
one or more TFTP servers from which to download Communication Manager software to each
LSP. However, the TFTP server or servers must be accessible to all LSPs over the WAN.
Additionally, the file structure should be installed on the TFTP server so it matches the format of
the CDROM. This means that, within the outgoing root directory of the TFTP server, a
/Releases subdirectory must be established and all software or firmware should copied to the
TFTP server should be copied as subdirectories and files under the /Releases directory.
As another alternative, the customer can set up a Web server to be used to distribute the files.
The file structure should be installed on the HTTP server so it matches the format of the CM
server CDROM. The source directory should be designated as URL of the webserver followed
by full path name to the /Releases directory. Example (http://www.acme-home.com/upgrades/