
Telephones and adjunct systems
408 Installing and Upgrading the Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
4. Type port number and press ENTER to view the Port Setup Menu
where port number is the port that the adjunct connects to,
5. Fill in the following fields.
Leave the default settings for the other fields.
Speed: 9600
Monitor DSR: Yes
Monitor DCD: No
Name: port number or other descriptive name
Terminal type: undef
Reset Term: No
Flow ctrl: xon/xoff
IP addresses: leave blank
Mask: leave blank
Access: Remote
Authentication: None
Mode: Raw
Connection: None
** Administrator ** PORT SETUP MENU Terminal: 2
Hardware Flow ctrl Keys
Speed [9600 ] Flow ctrl [xon/xoff] Hot [^]] Intr [^C]
Parity [None] Input Flow [Enabled ] Quit [^@] Kill [^U]
Bit [8] Output Flow [Enabled ] Del [^@] Sess [^@]
Stop [1 ] Echo [^@]
Break [Disabled] IP Addresses
Monitor DSR [Yes ] Src [ ] Mask [ ]
Monitor DCD [No ] Dst [ ]
User Options Access
Name [port 2 ] Keepalive [No ] Access [Remote ]
Terminal type [undef ] Rlogin/Telnet [Telnet] Authentication [None ]
TERM [ ] Debug options [No ] Mode [Raw ]
Video pages [0] Map CR to CR LF [No ] Connection [None ]
CLI/Menu [CLI] Hex data [No ] Host [ ]
Reset Term [No ] Secure [No ] Remote Port [0 ]
MOTD [No ] Local Port [5101]
IOLAN PLUS v4.02.00 a CDi iolan