56 Programs
Help gives you online help documentation for various built-in programs and tools.
To launch Help, tap
Start > Help.
You can display Help for a particular program or tool by opening that application or tool, and
then tapping Start > Help. If Help does not contain an entry for that program or tool, then it will
not appear in the list.
You have two built-in games in your PDA phone: Bubble Breaker and Solitaire.
To launch Games, tap
Start > Programs > Games.
Mobile Security
Mobile Security is a program protecting your PDA phone against virus attack. You can scan
files and folders, or update to the latest virus definition at any time.
To launch Mobile Security, tap
Start > Programs > Mobile Security.
Just as there is a Calculator on the PC, you have this function on your PDA phone.
To launch Calculator, tap
Start > Programs > Calculator.
Speech Commander
Speech Commander allows you to control your PDA phone by voice. You can use voice
commands to make a phone call, look up a contact person's information or start a program.
To launch Speech Commander, press the speech commander hot key or tap
Start >
Programs > Speech Commander
Download Agent
Download Agent is a program that lists the current download status and available
downloaded programs for you to install.
To launch Download Agent, tap
Start > Programs > Download Agent.