70 Camera/camcorder operation
Options in Pocket Edit
No. Name Description
1 Effects Provides colour effects such as sepia and negative.
2 Contrast
Adjusts the relative difference between the darkest and
lightest areas of an image.
3 Brightness
Adjusts the reflective quality of how bright/dark an image
4 Crop/Rotate Provides options for resizing.
5 View Provides viewing options such as zoom in/out.
6 Warp/Deform Provides options for deformation.
Provides a compact window for you to move easily to any
location of an image. This is particularly useful when an
image is enlarged.
8 Frame Selects a frame type such as stamp.
Options for a
Provides detailed options for a category. These vary as
you select a different category.
10 Text overlay
Provides options for typing text. Before typing text, you
need to tap a desired location in an image and draw a text
box first. Then you can type text within the text box.
11 Pencil/Brush Provides options for drawing, such as free hand.