Bandwidth per source IP Address: Please select Bandwidth per source IP
Address if you would like the specified bandwidth to be applied individually per
source IP address in specified IP range.
For IP Address (default)…
Source IP Address Range: The range of source IP Addresses this rule applies to.
Destination IP Address Range: The range of destination IP Addresses this rule
applies to.
Source Port Range: The range of source ports this rule applies to.
Destination Port Range: The range of destination ports this rule applies to.
Helper: You could also select the application type you would like to apply for
automatic input.
Click Apply to save your changes.
For MAC Address:
Source MAC Address: The source MAC Address of the device this rule applies to.
Candidates: You can also select the Candidates which are referred from the ARP
table for automatic input.
Source Port Range: The range of source ports this rule applies to.
Destination Port Range: The range of destination ports this rule applies to.
Click Apply to save your changes.
Helper: You could also select the application type you would like to apply for
automatic input.
4.4.7 Virtual Server
In TCP/IP and UDP networks, a port is a 16-bit number used to identify which