Remote Secure Gateway Address (or HostName): The IP address or hostname of
the remote VPN device that is connected and establishes a VPN tunnel.
Remote Network: The subnet of the remote network. Allows you to enter an IP
address and netmask.
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(2)LAN to LAN (Mobile LAN): BiGuard would like to establish an IPSec VPN tunnel
with remote router using Dynamic Internet IP by using aggressive mode.
Remote Identifier: The Identifier of remote gateway, all input value type will be
auto-defined as IP Address, FQDN(DNS) or FQUN(E-mail).
Remote Network: The subnet of the remote network. Allows you to enter an IP
address and netmask.
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(3)LAN to Host: BiGuard would like to establish an IPSec VPN tunnel with remote
client software using Fixed Internet IP or domain name by using main mode.