• Authentication / Privacy: Congures the Authentication and Privacy features
for SNMPv3 communication. The Authentication / Privacy parameter offers
two options, which function as follows:
1. Auth/noPriv: An SNMPv3 username and password will be required at log
in, but encryption will not be used. (Default Setting.)
2. Auth/Priv: An SNMPv3 username and password will be required at log in,
and all messages will be sent using encryption.
• The Authentication / Privacy item is not available when the
Version parameter is set to V1/V2.
• If the Version Parameter is set to V1/V2/V3 (all) and Authentication
/ Privacy parameter is set to "Auth/Priv", then only V3 data will be
• The Outlet Managed PDU supports DES encryption, but does not
currently support the AES protocol.
• The Outlet Managed PDU does not support "noAuth/noPriv" for
SNMPv3 communication.
• SNMPv3 User Name: Sets the User Name for SNMPv3. Note that this option
is not available when the Version parameter is set to V1/V2.
(Default = undened.)
• SNMPv3 Password: Sets the password for SNMPv3. Note that this option
is not available when the Version parameter is set to V1/V2. (Default =
• SNMPv3 Password Conrm: This prompt is used to conrm the SNMPv3
password that was entered at the prompt above. Note that this option is not
available when the Version parameter is set to V1/V2. (Default = undened.)
• Authentication Protocol: This parameter determines which authentication
protocol will be used. The Outlet Managed PDU supports both MD5 and SHA1
authentication. (Default = MD5.)
• The Authentication Protocol that is selected for the Outlet
Managed PDU must match the protocol that your SNMP client will
use when querying the Outlet Managed PDU.
• The Authentication Protocol option is not available when the
Version parameter is set to V1/V2