• Kerberos Setup: Kerberos is a network authentication protocol, which
provides a secure means of identity verication for users who are
communicating via a non-secure network. In the Text Interface, Kerberos
parameters are selected via a submenu that is only available when Kerberos is
selected as Bind Type. In the Web Browser Interface, Kerberos parameters are
dened via the main LDAP Parameters menu. The following parameters are
Port: (Default = 88.)
Realm: (Default = Undened.)
Key Distribution Centers (KDC1 through KDC5): (Default = Undened.)
Domain Realms 1 through 5: (Default = Undened.)
• LDAP Group Setup: Provides access to a submenu, which is used to dene
LDAP Groups as described in the Sections through Adding LDAP Groups
Once you have dened several users and passwords via your LDAP server, and
assigned those users to LDAP Groups, you must then grant command and port access
rights to each LDAP Group at each individual Outlet Managed PDU. In order to Add
an LDAP Group, you must access the Outlet Managed PDU command mode using a
password that permits Administrator Level commands. The Add LDAP Group menu
allows the following to be dened:
• Group Name: Note that this name must match the LDAP Group names that
you have assigned to users at your LDAP server. (Default = undened.)
• Access Level: Sets the command access level to either Administrator,
SuperUser, User or ViewOnly. For more information on Access Levels, please
refer to Section 5.4.1. (Default = User.)
• Port Access: Enables/disables this LDAP Group’s access to the serial Setup
Port. (Default = Disabled.)
• Plug Access: Determine which plugs members of this group will be allowed to
control. (Default = All Plugs Off.)
• Plug Group Access: Determines which plug groups the members of this LDAP
Group will be allowed to control. (Default = undened.)