CHAPTER 7: Alarm Configuration
7.6. The Invalid Access Lockout Alarm
The Invalid Access Lockout Alarm can provide notication when the Outlet
Managed PDU has locked the Network port due to repeated, invalid attempts to
access command mode. Normally, the Invalid Access Lockout feature (discussed in
Section 5.3.2) will lock the network port whenever the Outlet Managed PDU detects
that a user-dened number of invalid passwords have been entered at the Network
Port. When the Invalid Access Lockout Alarm is properly congured and enabled as
described in this section, the Outlet Managed PDU can also provide notication via
Email, Syslog Message or SNMP Trap.
• In order for this alarm to function, Invalid Access Lockout
parameters must first be configured and enabled as described in
Section 5.3.2.
• When an Invalid Access Lockout occurs, the Outlet Managed
PDU can still lock the network port as described in Section 5.3.2,
and can also send an email, Syslog Message and/or SNMP trap if
properly configured.
• If desired, the Outlet Managed PDU can be configured to count
Invalid Access attempts and provide notification when the counter
exceeds a user defined trigger level, without actually locking the
port in question. To do this, enable the Invalid Access Lockout
Alarm as described here, but when you configure Invalid Access
Lockout parameters as described in Section 5.3.2, set the Lockout
Attempts and Lockout Duration as you would normally, and then
set the "Lockout Enable" parameter to "Off."
• In order for the Outlet Managed PDU to provide Email alarm
notification, communication parameters must first be defined as
described in Section 5.9.11.
• In order for the Outlet Managed PDU to provide Syslog Message
notification, Syslog parameters must first be defined and Syslog
Messages must be enabled as described in Section 5.9.2 and
Section 11.
• In order for the Outlet Managed PDU to provide SNMP Trap
notification when this alarm is triggered, SNMP parameters must
first be defined, and SNMP Traps must be enabled as described
in Section 5.9.7 and Section 12.