13.4. Plug Control via SNMP
13.4.1. Plug Status/Control
ON, OFF, BOOT, and DEFAULT commands can be issued for plugs via SNMP.
Plugs are arranged in a table of N rows, where N is the number of plugs in the
system. Plug parameters are described below.
• plugTable::plugID – String indicating the plug’s ID.
• plugTable::plugName – String indicating the plug’s user-dened name.
• plugTable::plugStatus – Current state of the plug.
0 – Plug is OFF
1 – Plug is ON
• plugTable::plugAction – Action to be taken on plug.
1 – Mark to turn ON (does not execute)
2 – Mark to turn OFF (does not execute)
3 – Mark to BOOT (does not execute)
4 – Mark to DEFAULT (does not execute)
5 – Mark to turn ON and execute plug actions
6 - Mark to turn OFF and execute plug actions
7 - Mark to BOOT and execute plug actions
8 - Mark to DEFAULT and execute plug actions
Set plugTable::plugAction to desired action, as specied by values 1-4
above, for each plug index the action is to be applied to. For the last plug you wish
to set before executing the commands, use values 5-8 instead, which will invoke the
requested commands all at once.
• plugTable::plugCurrent – The current, in tenths of an Amp, that is
being consumed by each switched outlet.
• plugTable::plugPower – The power, in Watts, that is being consumed
by each switched outlet.