cannot be attained, a suitable forced-air cooling system may be required within the cabinet.
Battery Safety Issues
When installing batteries for the power supply, do not mix battery types (gelled electrolyte
and AGM) in the same string or within the same cabinet. DO NOT use flooded type
batteries with liquid electrolyte with the power supply under any circumstances. Such
batteries are hazardous to use within broadband cabinets and can degrade or destroy
equipment installed in the cabinet with them. Use only gelled electrolyte or AGM batteries
of suitable size, voltage and capacity for use in a CATV system.
Batteries can supply extremely large currents for a short period of time,
sufficient to vaporize or melt metal objects. For this reason, installers must
remove watches, rings and other jewelry before placing or connecting batteries in
the the cabinet. Insulating gloves and protective clothing should be worn during
battery installation, consistent with local practices.
Batteries contain sulphuric acid in gelled or semi-liquid form. Direct contact with any spilled
electrolyte from a damaged battery may result in skin irritation or chemical burns. For this
reason, handle batteries carefully to avoid puncturing the case and releasing any of the
electrolyte. In case of contact with the electrolyte, thoroughly wash any contaminated
areas of the skin with soap and water. In case of contact with the eyes, immediately flush
with copius amounts of water and seek medical attention. Minor surface spills can be
neutralized with an appropriate neutralizing agent such as bicarbonate of soda (baking
Always use proper lifting techniques when handling batteries. Each 12-volt battery weighs
approximately 65 pounds (30 Kg).
Personnel installing or servicing batteries must wear eye protection (goggles or full face
shield) and protective clothing (apron and gloves) if necessary, according to local practices.
Additionally, only fully insulated tools specifically designed for battery installation and
service should be used for that purpose. Tools wrapped with vinyl or fabric-based electrical
tape are NOT acceptable substitutes.
The BATTERY CIRCUIT breaker on the front panel of the power supply must be operated
to the OFF position before installing, changing and connecting batteries.
Verify correct battery polarity and voltage at the DC input connector of the power supply
before closing the BATTERY CIRCUIT breaker. Applying DC input of improper polarity or
voltage can seriously damage or entirely destroy the power supply.
Replace any battery that is found to have a swollen or cracked case. Always recycle used
batteries to reclaim lead and other materials that can pose environmental hazards if
disposed of improperly.