Section 2: lntroduction
Blackhawk Series Product Overview
The MultiPower Blackhawk Series power supplies provide filtered and regulated AC
output power of proper voltage and current values to operate amplifiers, nodes and
other active devices in CATV and broadband networks. These supplies are designed
to normally power the network from the commercial AC line while maintaining an
emergency battery in a state of full charge. If the commercial AC line fails for any
reason or if line voltage exceeds preset low or high limits, the low voltage inverter
within the power supply immediately begins providing power to the network load while
drawing its operating power from the battery. After commercial AC line power has
been restored, the power supply will revert to its normal operating mode supplying
power to the network load while drawing operational power from the commercial AC
line. Simultaneously, the internal battery charger within the power supply will recharge
the battery. The power supply will continue providing filtered and regulated AC to the
network load.
All Blackhawk Series power supplies operate as standby units, transferring between
power sources (AC line and inverter) in less than one cycle of power. Inverter transfer
from line mode to battery mode and from battery mode to line mode is synchronous
resulting in minimum load power anomolies. Refer to Fig. 2-1 for a typical output power
wave-form during transfer from commercial line to inverter power.
Fig. 2-1 Typical Output Transfer Waveform: Nominal 90 Volt Output, 80% Load