Tips on saving energy
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4Tips on saving energy
Heating economically
The boiler is designed to provide a high level of comfort while
keeping gas consumption and the resulting environmental effect
as low as possible. The gas supply to the burner is controlled
according to the level of demand for heat. The boiler continues to
operate with a low flame if the demand for heat reduces. The tech-
nical term for this process is modulating control. Modulating con-
trol keeps temperature fluctuations small and provides even
distribution of heat throughout the home. This means that the
boiler may stay on for relatively long periods but will use less gas
than an appliance that continually switches on and off.
Central heating systems with room thermostats/thermo-
static radiator valves
The temperature control on the boiler should be set to the maxi-
mum rated temperature of the central heating system or to posi-
tion “E”, when the maximum central heating water temperature
obtained is 75°C.
The temperature can be set individually in each room (except pri-
mary room with the room thermostat) using the thermostatic radi-
ator valves. If you wish to have a lower temperature in the primary
room than in the other rooms, leave the room thermostat at the set
temperature and turn down the radiator using the radiator valve.
Reduced-output operation
Considerable fuel savings can be made by slightly reducing the
room temperature. Lowering the temperature by 1 °C can bring
about energy savings of up to 5 %. However, it is not advisable to
allow the room temperature to fall below +15 °C. The room tem-
perature for reduced-output mode can be set separately on the
room thermostat. Instructions are given in the control unit operat-
ing instructions.