Excellence comes as standard
6 720 611 138 GB (03.11)
Excellence comes as standard
Thank you for purchasing a Worcester Greenstar condensing
The Worcester Greenstar Series has been developed by the
Bosch Group and the strictest quality control standards are
demanded throughout every stage of production.
Indeed, the Bosch Group have led the field in innovative appliance
design and performance for many years.
The result is that your new Greenstar appliance offers you the very
best of everything – quality, efficiency, economical running costs,
proven reliability and value for money.
What’s more, you also have the assurance of our no nonsense
2year parts and labour guarantee.
And it’s backed up by Worcester Care Call a complete mainte-
nance scheme to keep your boiler operating at peak condition and
No wonder that more and more people are agreeing that when it
comes to gas, it has to be a Worcester Bosch appliance.
The “Benchmark” initiative is the new code of practice to encour-
age the correct installation, commissioning and servicing of
domestic central heating boilers and system equipment.
The “log-book” is a vital document that must be completed by the
installer at the time of installation. It confirms that the boiler has
been installed and commissioned according to the manufacturers
instructions and is one of the methods of demonstrating
compliance with the Building Regulations.
Without the completion of the “log-book”, manufacturers may
refuse to respond to a call–out from a householder, who will be
advised that he or she must call back the installer, who has not ful-
filled his obligations to record the information required by the ini-