shutter speed. If your lens has a smaller
minimum aperture, exposure will be correct.
Outside the Meter Coupling Range
When the light level is so low that it would
be outside the meter coupling range re-
gardless of the shutter speed you set, the set
shutter speed will flash on and off along
with the aperture in the viewfinder. When
the light level is too high, a small aperture
will flash on and off even when the AT dial
is set to the highest shutter speed. In these
cases, shooting in the shutter priority
AE mode is only possible if you can change
the light level accordingly or switch to a
more appropriate film.
2. In aperture priority AE mode
When exposure is incorrect, the LED digital
readout for shutter speed flashes on and off.
When the highest shutter speed of 1000
flashes in the viewfinder to indicate over-
exposure, turn the AT dial to a smaller
aperture. When a shutter speed of the slow
range flashes in the viewfinder to indicate
underexposure, turn the AT dial to a larger
aperture. The shutter speed value that flash-
es to indicate underexposure depends on the
speed (maximum aperture) of the lens and
ASA film speed.
As in the shutter priority AE mode, when
the light level is too low, both shutter
speed and aperture data will flash on and off
to indicate that no matter what aperture you
set, the meter will not couple in an AE
mode. When the light level is too high, the
shutter speed will flash on and off even
when the AT dial is set to the minimum
aperture possible. Again, AE photography is
still possible if you change the light level
or switch to a more appropriate film.
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