Of course, with the flash still on Auto
you can set the aperture manually should
you wish to use an FL lens. Even then,
however, the camera will automatically
switch to 1/60 sec. as soon as the Speedlite
is ready for firing.
These Speedlites employ a unique light
sensing system, separate in the case of the
577G and 533G, which reduces excessive
reflection from the central area to give
better overall exposure.
With the Speedlites 577G, 533G and 199A,
shutter speeds slower than 1/60 sec. can be
selected resulting in a lighter background.
To control depth of field, you can choose
among three working aperture that are
automatically preset by the camera. The
577G, 533G and 199A also allow bounce
flash. With their corresponding wide angle
adapter, flash coverage of a 24mm lens
field with the 199A and of a 20mm lens
field with the 577G and 533G is possible.
A thyristor circuit assures continuous flash
shooting at close distances.
General Flash Photography
When you use the A-1 with flash units other
than the Speedlites 577G, 533G 199A,
188A, 177A, 155A and 133A, set the AE
mode selector to TV and the shutter speed
to 1/60 sec. or slower. With this setting on
the camera, other types of electronic flash
units can be synchronized with your A-1
either through the hot shoe or via the PC
socket on the front of the camera body.
These allow two separate flash units to be
fired simultaneously.
Aperture should be manually set on the
aperture ring to the working apertures speci-
fied for an automatic electronic flash or be
determined through a guide number calcu-
lation using the following formula.
Guide Number
Aperture =
Shooting Distance
When doing the math, make sure that the
guide number and shooting distance are both
in the same unit, whether meters or feet.
The fastest shutter speed for use with
electronic flash is 1/60 sec., for use with M
or FP bulbs, 1/30 sec.
It is recommended to use a Canon flash unit
on this camera. Using a flash or flash acces-
sory of another make may cause the camera
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