Solar Filters
Celestron’s Solar Skreen
solar filters
transmit .001% of visible light, allowing
direct observation of the sun. You can see
sunspots and the mottled areas known as
granules with these filters. In addition to
reducing the intensity of the sun’s visible
light, they also block 99.999% of invisible
infrared light, so you can observe the sun
in complete safety and comfort.
The material used to make these filters is a
strong, precision engineered, aluminized
polyester film known as Mylar. Each filter
consists of two sheets of Mylar. A layer of
aluminum is vacuum-deposited on each of these pieces of Mylar. The two
coated surfaces are then placed against each other to protect them from
scratching and other abuses. The material is very thin, about .0003", which is
about one-tenth the thickness of a human hair. Mylar offers superior perfor-
mance to thicker filters and is less expensive than conventional glass filters. In
addition, glass filters are subject to breakage whereas the mylar filters are more
Mylar is a very flexible substance by nature. In fact, when the Solar Skreen is
mounted in the filter cell, it will be quite wrinkled. Don’t be fooled by appear-
ance, because the best resolution is obtained when the material is slightly
relaxed or wrinkled.
The color of the solar image will look different than it does with other filters.
The aluminum coating creates a solar image that’s a cool, pale blue color. A
more true color image can be obtained with the appropriate correction filter:
either #21 Orange or #23A Light Red.
Solar Filter – For use with F60s & F60EQs [94131]
Solar Filter – For use with F70s, F80s and C80s [94135]
Solar Filter – For use with F114s and C114s [94134]
Solar Filter – For use with C8s [94162]
Clockwise: #94162,
#94134, #94131, #94135