Guiding (or reticle) eyepieces are mandatory for guided
astrophotography. They keep a guide star stationary
during long exposures to avoid star trailing. #94169 and
#94170 require an illuminator — choose from models
#60001 and #60011.
12mm Kellner Reticle Eyepiece: 1
" –
The reticle pattern is a .0075" spaced double line system.
The optics are fully coated and offer good eye relief. This
type of reticle pattern allows you to position the guide star
in the middle square or at the intersection of two lines,
whichever is easier for you. It has a 42° apparent field of view.
10mm Plössl Reticle Eyepiece: 1
" – #94169
This five element guiding eyepiece has the same pattern as the Kellner
design above. The optics are multi-coated for increased contrast and
have long eye relief. The high power is ideal for guiding and it has a
50° apparent field of view.
Micro Guide Eyepiece: 1
" – #94171
This multi-function guiding eyepiece features a laser-
etched reticle with a built-in, battery illuminator. The
eyepiece is a multicoated 12.5mm Abbe (four element)
Orthoscopic. Usage possibilities include: direct guiding on
stars outside the center of the field of view; greatly
improved off-axis guiding to capture much fainter, sharply
focused guide stars without reducing limiting magnitude;
and measuring position angles and separation of double
The Micro Guide Eyepiece is totally free of internal
reflections and offers sufficient eye relief for the reticle to be viewed easily, even with
eyeglasses. Its finely etched micrometer scale has gradations 50 microns apart and 15
microns wide. Included are: the eyepiece, built-in cordless illuminator with adjustable
ess control, batteries and instructions. The apparent field of view is 42°.
Standard Illuminator — #60011
An adjustable brightness red LED which can be used in
Celestron (and most other manufacturers) guiding eyepieces
and the Polaris finderscope.
Pulstar Illuminator – #60001
Celestron’s Pulstar Illuminator is an innovative new design that takes pulsing illumina-
tors to a new level of performance. Not only does it allow for easy adjustment of
pulsing rates and timing intervals, it also has an adjustable brightness level and
important automatic shutdown feature to save you the frustration of a dead battery.
The Pulstar Illuminator improves contrast while locating and
using guide stars for CCD imaging and astrophotography, and
helps in locating objects during viewing sessions. Fits most
reticle eyepieces and Polaris finderscopes. Battery is included.
Made in the USA.
Clockwise: #94171,
#94169, #94170