• On manual lenses and accessories, it is not
necessary to push the multi-purpose lever in toward
the lens. Simply adjust the f/stop or shutter speed
until the meter needle is aligned with the stopped-
down metering index mark. When using manual
accessories between the camera body and an FD
lens, lock the automatic/manual aperture lever in the
manual position before installing the lens. On all FD
lens except one, this is accomplished simply by
pushing the largest lever on the back of the lens
counter-clockwise until it stops and locks into place.
On the FD 50mm f/1.8 S.C. lens, the lever must be
held in place by moving the manual lock lever to the
"L" position.
• You cannot make a meter reading with the 7.5mm
fish-eye lens mounted on the EF, because the
aperture scale is not visible. Use a hand-held meter
FD 50mm f/1.4 S.S.C. FD 50mm f/1.8 S.C.
Not For Resale – Free Download at http://www.joe-chan.com/manuals
Manual Lock Lever