
35mm single-lens-reflex AE (Automatic
Exposure) camera with focal plane shutter.
24 x 36mm.
Standard Lens:
Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 S.S.C.,
Canon FD 55mm f/1.2 S.S.C., or
Canon FD 50mm f/1.8 S.C.
Interchangeable Lenses:
FD series for AE photog-
raphy; FL series for stopped-down metering.
Fixed eye-level pentaprism.
Viewfinder Information:
Aperture scale with meter
needle, over and underexposure warning marks,
stopped-down metering index mark, shutter
speed scale and indicator.
Focusing Screen:
Split-image/microprism surrounded
by ground glass with Fresnel screen.
Field of View:
92% vertical and 93% horizontal
coverage of actual picture area.
0.82X at infinity with the standard
50mm lens.
Eyepiece Accessories:
Angle finders, magnifier, 4
strengths of eyesight correction lenses, and an
eye-cup can be attached.
Instant-return type.
Electro-Mechanical Shutter:
Vertically moving
metal focal plane shutter. 1/2 sec. -1/1000 sec.
and B in 11 steps (mechanically controlled); 30
–1 sec. in 6 steps (electronically controlled).
Shutter Speed Dial:
B, 1–1/1000 sec............................ white marking
1/125 sec. (X sync) ................... orange marking
30–2 sec. .................................... yellow-marking
Slow Shutter Speed Indicator:
Light Emitting
Diode (LED) flashes when shutter speeds from
1–30 sec. are used.
The built-in self-timer is activated by
the shutter button with a time lag of approx-
imately 10 sec. A self-timer lock button pre-
vents unintentional operation.
Exposure Adjustment:
Variable Aperture AE with
FD series lenses. The aperture is adjusted auto-
matically after shutter speed and ASA are set.
Central Emphasis Metering gives an average read-
ing of the screen brightness with more emphasis
on the center portion utilizing a wide range
Silicon Photocell. Stopped-down metering is
possible with FL lenses.
Exposure Meter Coupling Range:
EV –2 to EV 18
at ASA 100 with FD 50mm f/1.4 lens: 8 sec. at f/1.4
to 1/1,000 sec. at f/16. At ASA 25 : 30 sec. at
f/1.4 to 1/1000 sec. at f/8.
Film Speed Range:
ASA 1 2 - ASA 3200.
Power Source:
Two 1.3 volt mercury batteries
(Mallory PX625, Eveready EPX625).
Battery Check:
LED flashes when battery check
Canon FD 20mm f/2.8 S.S.C., 1/125 sec., AE, ASA 400
Not For Resale – Free Download at http://www.joe-chan.com/manuals