Pre-recording Mode
Pre-recording Mode
When pre-recording mode is activated, the camcorder starts recording continuously into a temporary memory of
approximately 3 seconds so when you press the START/STOP button, the clip will contain also approximately 3
seconds of video and audio recorded before you pressed the button. This is especially useful when it is difficult
to predict when to start recording.
1 Open the [Pre Rec] submenu.
[w Other Functions] > [Pre Rec]
2 Select [On] and then press the joystick.
• [PRE REC STBY] appears at the top of the screen.
3 Press the START/STOP button to begin recording.
• The rear and front tally lamps illuminate.
• [PRE REC STBY] changes to [Ü PRE REC] while recording.
4 Press the START/STOP button again to stop recording.
• The camcorder records the clip, including approximately 3 seconds of video and audio recorded before the
START/STOP button was pressed.
• Both tally lamps will go out and [PRE REC STBY] appears at the top of the screen.
• During pre-recording mode, if the camcorder is left in record pause mode for approximately 1 hour, a message
will be displayed (A 149). After about 1 minute, pre-recording will be deactivated automatically.
• Pre-recording mode cannot be used with double slot recording, deleting the last clip recorded or reviewing a
• During pre-recording mode, the time code will be recorded with the running mode (A 70) set to [Free Run],
regardless of the previous setting. When the time code is recorded, it will include the 3 seconds before the
START/STOP button was pressed. When pre-recording mode is deactivated, the running mode will return to
its previous setting.
Operating modes:
[w Other Functions]
[Pre Rec]