Exciting Features
Whether you are using a camcorder for the first time or are very
experienced, this camcorder offers many easy-to-use functions. The
following are just but a few examples of the many functions that can
enrich your shooting experience.
Dual Flash Memory
( 50)
You can record in the built-in
memory or on commercially
available memory cards ( 31).
When pre-recording is activated,
the camcorder starts recording
video continuously into a
temporary 3-second memory.
When you press the
button, the scene recorded will
have started 3 seconds before
you started shooting.
Video Snapshot
Image Stabilization
( 50)
Shoot or capture short scenes
and arrange them into a video
clip set to your favorite
background music.
Dynamic IS compensates for
camcorder shake when you
shoot video while walking. This
gives you more freedom and
mobility when recording movies.