
2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001
8-12 P
1.5.2 Controlling the Deck Lifter Motor (M2D)
The deck lifter motor control circuit is found on the side deck driver PCB. F08-105-02 is
a block diagram of the PCB.
The combination circuit found in the figure consists of various logic circuits, and a spe-
cific combination is used to rotate the deck lifter motor clockwise or counterclockwise: out-
put signals from sensors and deck lifter motor drive command and deck lifter ascent com-
mand from the DC controller of the host machine.
If the deck lifter position sensor (PS4D) does not detect the lifter within a specific period
of time in spite of the presence of the deck lifter UP signal, an alarm (code: 05) will be indi-
cated in service mode: DISPLAY>ALARM1>BODY.
[1] Conditions for Moving Up the Lifter
The deck is connected to its host machine. The deck set signal
The compartment is closed. The deck open detection signal (DECK_OPEN_SENS)
is ‘1’.
The compartment is closed. The deck open detecting switch (DECK_OPEN_SW) is
The deck upper limit detection signal (LIFT_M_DOWN) is ‘0’.
The deck lifter UP signal (LIFT_M_UP) is ‘0’.
The above conditions will move up the lifter.
[2] Conditions for Moving Down the Lifter
The compartment is open. The deck open detection signal (DECK_OPEN_SNS) is ‘0’.
The deck lifter lower limit detection signal (LIFT_LOW_LIMIT) is ‘0’ and, in addition,
the deck lifter position detection signal (PAP_TOP_SENS) is ‘0’.
The deck lifter motor DOWN signal (LIFT_M_DOWN) is ‘0’.
The deck lifter UP signal (LIFT_M_UP) is ‘1’.
The above conditions move down the lifter.