2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001
7-26 T
12) When the system downloading ends, install the RUI and the Language module in the
same way.
1.5.3 Points to Note When Formatting the Hard Disk
1. If you have formatted the hard disk, you must also download the system
software at the same time. Otherwise, ‘E602-0002’ will be indicated
when you turn on the power.
If the system software is yet to be installed to the hard disk, the hard disk
may still be formatted or the system software may be downloaded in
download mode.
Connecting to the Network (using network cable)
2. If you want to install the Language module after installing the system
software, you must be sure that its version is compatible with the version
of the system software. If you install a Language module not compatible
with the system software in question and, in addition, if that language is
selected in user mode, ‘E744-0001’ will be indicated.
3. If you installed the system software after formatting the hard disk, you
may notice a faulty image on the control panel display. This is a normal
condition, and will disappear when you turn off and then on the machine