Searching images Using index Display
Displaying multiple images at the same time lets you quickly find the image
you want.
Movethezoom evertoward
........ Images will display in an index.
youThemovenumbertheĀ°fleverimagestowardincrease_. each time
The number of images decrease each time
you move the lever toward O,.
Choose an image.
Press the Av { _ buttons to choose an
An orange frame appears on the chosen
Press the @ button to display the chosen
image by itself.
Searching images by Scrolling
Pressing the 4 _, buttons for more than 1 second will display images in a line
letting you quickly search them. You can also jump by the shooting date
(Scroll Display).
Choose an image.
If you set the camera to single image
playback and press the 4_ buttons for
more than 1second, the screen at the left
will appear. Press the _ buttons to
choose an image.
Press the @ button to restore single
image playback.
Press the Av buttons during scroll
display to search images by the shooting