
Select the icon for the printing profile you wish to save.
The selected icon appears, with its name, in the Commonly Used Settings
list on the Quick Setup tab.
Save the paper size setting
Saves the paper size to the printing profile in Commonly Used Settings.
To apply the saved paper size when the printing profile is selected, check
this check box.
If this check box is unchecked, the paper size is not saved, and
consequently the paper size setting is not applied when the printing profile is
selected. Instead the printer prints with the paper size specified with the
application software.
Save the orientation setting
Saves the Orientation to the printing profile in Commonly Used Settings.
To apply the saved print orientation when the printing profile is selected,
check this check box.
If this check box is unchecked, the print orientation is not saved, and
consequently the Orientation setting is not applied when the printing profile
is selected. Instead the printer prints with the print orientation specified with
the application software.
Save the copies setting
Saves the Copies setting to the printing profile in Commonly Used
To apply the saved copies setting when the printing profile is selected, check
this check box.
If this check box is unchecked, the copies setting is not saved, and
consequently the Copies setting is not applied when the printing profile is
selected. Instead the printer prints with the copies setting specified with the
application software.
Deletes a registered printing profile.
Select the name of the setting to be deleted from Commonly Used Settings, and click
Delete. When a confirmation message is displayed, click OK to delete the specified printing
Printing profiles that are registered in the initial settings cannot be deleted.