Check this check box to print a semi-transparent stamp over the printed document
Uncheck this check box to print the stamp over the document data. The printed data
may be hidden behind the stamp.
You can use Print semitransparent stamp only with the XPS printer driver.
Stamp first page only
Selects whether the stamp is to be printed on the first page only or on all pages
when the document has two or more pages.
Check the Stamp check box to enable this.
Check this check box to print a stamp on the first page only.
Uncheck this check box to print a stamp on all pages.
Background printing is a function that allows you to print an illustration or a similar
object (bitmap, etc.) behind the document.
Check this check box to print a background and select a title from the list.
Click Select Background... to open the Background Settings dialog box, and then
you can configure the details of the background.
Uncheck this check box if you do not want to print a background.
Select Background...
Opens the Background Settings dialog box.
You can register a bitmap as a background, and change layout method and intensity
of the selected background.
Background Tab
The Background tab allows you to select a bitmap file (.bmp) to be used as a
background or determine how to print the selected background.
Preview Window
Shows the status of the bitmap set on the Background tab.
Specifies the name of the bitmap file to be used as the background.
Select File...
Opens the dialog box to open a file.
Click this button to select a bitmap file (.bmp) to be used as the background.