• All replaceable parts are:
•Properly aligned
•Installed securely
•Installed on the appropriate site
• The correct part for the system
•Properly configured, if configurable (such as HDD jumper)
•Appear undamaged
• Chassis and contents have not been tampered with (no unauthorized
additions or changes have been made)
• Chassis does not contain any foreign objects
•Motherboard, including components and traces, appears undamaged
and no foreign objects are evident
• CPU is present, well-seated, and appears undamaged
• CPU cooling unit is well-aligned and firmly attached
• Each fan required (including fan cable) is well-positioned (not upside
down), installed in the correct connector, and appears undamaged
• Boards required on the motherboard are present, well-seated, and in
the correct slots
• Each DIMM is well-seated
•Battery is installed
• BIOS is well seated
Motherboard (with Restore/Update CD and
single-use dongle), page 4-22
• DIMM(s) is well-seated
• DIMM edge connectors are not oxidized
DIMM(s) for ColorPASS, page 4-34
Each board required is:
•Installed in the correct slot
•Appears undamaged
Required cables (if applicable) are:
•Firmly connected in the correct connectors
•Appear undamaged
Copier interface board, page 4-17
TABLE 5-1 Verifying the system
Conditions to verify Part and additional page references