
Using the Control Panel
Resume Printing—Reestablishes communication between the copier and the ColorPASS
so that the system continues processing and printing jobs following Suspend Printing.
Shut Down—Provides three ways to shut down the ColorPASS:
Restart Server (soft reset)—Resets the server software but does not reboot the
entire system. Network access to the ColorPASS is temporarily interrupted and
all currently processing jobs are aborted (see page 3-17).
Shut Down System—Shuts down all ColorPASS activity properly and powers off
the system. Always select this option to completely power off the system, unless
you are restarting or rebooting (as described above and below. See page 3-16 for
Shut Down procedure).
Reboot System (hard reset)—Allows you to shut down and then reboot the
ColorPASS through the Control Panel in one step. Network access to the
ColorPASS is temporarily interrupted and all currently processing jobs are
aborted (see page 3-17).
Clear Server—Clears all jobs from the server queues. It also clears the Job Log, all jobs
saved on the server hard disk drive, and the index of all archived jobs. Clear Server does
not clear the settings configured in Setup.
Run Setup—Allows access to the Setup options in order to configure the network and
printing environment. Typically, it is the network administrator’s responsibility to
configure Setup according to the network and user environment. Setup is required the
first time the ColorPASS is powered on and after system software is installed. For a list of
options and detailed descriptions of each Setup option, see the Configuration Guide.
Run Diagnostics—Allows you to run diagnostics on the following:
Test I/F board—Performs diagnostics on the copier interface board.
Test E-mail—Tests the e-mail feature of the ColorPASS.
For more about ColorPASS diagnostics, see page 5-22.
Tray Alignment—Allows the customer to adjust the position of text and images on the
page. For more information, see the Job Management Guide.
Calibration—Allows the customer to calibrate the ColorPASS using AutoCal
. For more
information, see the Color Guide.