
Chapter 3. System Requirements
Default user file-creation mode mask (umask). The value is 022.
If the value is not 022, several files might not be accessible to the cloud user, which would result in
installation failure.
Red Hat Network Account - Enable SELinux on the RHEL Operating System.
3.5. Ports that CloudPlatform Uses
This section lists the ports that CloudPlatform and its entities use for communication.
Management Server
The following ports are opened on Management Server:
Port Function
8080 Default port for CloudPlatform web server.
8096 Port for the user or client to communicate with
Management Server (unauthenticated).
9090 Port for the communication among Management
Servers in a cluster.
8250 Port for the agents (hypervisor agents such as
KVM agent, Secondary Storage VM (SSVM),
and Console Proxy VM (CPVM)) to communicate
with Management Server.
MySQL Database Server
The following port is opened on MySQL database server:
Port Function
3306 Helps Management Server communicate with
MySQL database server.
System VMs
The following port is opened on System VMs (virtual router, Secondary storage VM (SSVM), and
Port Function
3922 Helps Management Server communicate with
system VMs.
Secondary Storage
The following port is opened on secondary storage:
Port Function
111/2049 Helps Management Server communicate with
secondary storage.