
Chapter 9. Upgrading CloudPlatform to the Latest Version
XenServer: No action is required.
a. On the KVM host, stop the CloudPlatform agent.
b. Upgrade the CloudPlatform agent.
c. Restart the CloudPlatform agent.
d. Stop and Start SystemVMs.
Hyper-V (for CloudPlatform versions 4.3 and above)
a. Stop all the Management Servers.
b. Remove systemvm-4.3.x.x.iso from the systemvm directory in the Secondary Storage
directory, \\<secondary_storage_path>\systemvm\.
c. Remove systemvm-4.3.x.x.iso from each Hyper-V host.
The location of the file is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks.
d. Start the Management Server.
e. Destroy SystemVMs.
New SystemVMs will be spawned and the new iso, systemvm-4.3.x.x.iso, is copied to the
secondary storage and Hypervisor host.
a. Stop all the Management Servers.
b. Remove the old systemvm<version>.iso file from the systemvm directory, \
Where <version> denotes the Management Server version number.
c. Start the Management Server.
Verify if the new systemvm.iso is pushed to the systemvm folder in the Secondary Storage
d. Stop and Start SystemVMs.
9.16. Upgrading and Applying Hotfix on XenServer
Hypervisor Hosts
In CloudPlatform 4.5.0, you can upgrade XenServer hypervisor host software without having
to disconnect the XenServer cluster. You can upgrade XenServer 5.6 GA, or 5.6 FP1 to any
newer version that is supported by CloudPlatform. The actual upgrade is described in XenServer
documentation, but there are some additional steps you must perform before and after the upgrade.
9.16.1. Upgrading to a New XenServer Version
To upgrade XenServer hosts when running CloudPlatform